Veer Gill
2 min readDec 23, 2020
Theseus’ ship remains.

Theseus’ ship remains. This is esoteric bullshit to the average person, but there is a tiny part of you, that’s just there, it has always been there and it stays no matter how much life forces you to change.

We all evolve with time. And sometimes change so much that we can’t relate at all to the person we were a decade or two ago, but that little part stays. It just defines you; your life can turn into any direction based on your individual circumstances and your evolution, but it’ll always adhere to that trait and everything stems from it like branches and leaves from a trunk.

It’s not something that can be traced to our childhood even, although most of the brush strokes that make us comes from our childhood. But this microscopic seed, is the shape of our being. This is why, if MLK Jr. or Gandhi was born in Hitler’s place, he wouldn’t have had the same life trajectory, and vice-versa. When motivational speakers or influencers talk about finding your true purpose, when they say things like “do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life”, that purpose stems from this indescribable part of you. It’s something innate inside you that guides you through life’s most challenging questions. You know how every sense and every neuron in your brain is telling you that one potential partner is better than the other, but you’re just stuck on the other one and you can’t figure out why. It’s possible you see something in them, but you don’t know it yourself, it's subconscious.

Something that aligns, doesn’t mean that it's right or good for you, but just aligns with your You. We choose to call it our intuition, our sixth sense. We can attribute it to some unexplained part of our DNA, the blueprint of our being; or a way chosen for us by God, but all these explanations don’t really explain the feeling of being You.